

Home Dining Meal Plans & Rates CHANGING YOUR MEAL PLAN

Meal plans are required for all students living in HRE residence halls (Chapel Glen, Gateway Heights, Officers Circle, Kahlert Village, Sage Point, Impact & Prosperity Epicenter and Lassonde Studios residents in singles and doubles). Meal plans for residents of these residence halls CANNOT BE CANCELED. 

Students can upgrade their meal plan at any point in the semester. They cannot remove or downgrade after the meal plan change Fall 2024 is August 23. Spring 2025 is January 10, 2025.

For students in apartments, Lassonde lofts & pods, and Epicenter apartments and end-cap units, meal plans are optional, and they can be canceled. 


Follow these steps: 

  1. Log into the University of Utah CIS with your uNID and password 
  2. Under the “Student” section, select “Student Homepage” 
  3. Click on “Student Housing” 
  4. Select “Housing and Residential Ed.” from the left-hand menu 
  5. Click on “Housing U Portal” 
  6. Click on the “Housing Forms” tab from the top menu 
  7. Click on the "24-25 Academic Year" option 
  8. Select “Meal Plan Upgrade Request” 

Please note that students are only able to submit the form once.  

*For Fall 2024, You must complete the form by August 23. This date only applies to cancelling/downgrading your meal plan. You may upgrade your meal plan at any time. 

*For sPRING 2025, Spring plans can be changed through January 11, 2026.

*Any cancellation after the above listed dates will not be accepted.