Housing & Residential Education offers the following optional services to students living on campus. Note that some are available through a third-party vendor, and others via Housing U through a lottery-based process. Please see the drop-down selections below for more details on these services.
Pricing for the 2024-2025 academic year can be found for each optional service option below. As your move-in day approaches, we encourage you to communicate with your future roommates regarding who will be responsible for which item(s).
Students living in any of our apartment areas, including Benchmark Plaza, Shoreline Ridge, Downtown Commons or Marriott Honors Community will have Microwaves in the common area of their apartment. Students in other communities can rent a microchill unit through our vendor, College Products.
Microchill Units are recommended for residents in the following areas because they do not have full-sized refrigerators in their units:
- Chapel Glen
- Gateway Heights
- Sage Point
- Lassonde Studios
- Kahlert Village
Microwaves are currently available to residents in community kitchenettes in the following areas:
- Officers Circle
- Chapel Glen
- Gateway Heights
- Sage Point
- Lassonde Studios
- Kahlert Village
- Impact & Prosperity Epicenter apartments
Microwaves are currently available to residents in their apartment kitchen in the following areas:
- Downtown Commons
- Marriott Honors Community
- Lassonde Studios
- Benchmark Plaza
- Shoreline Ridge
- Impact & Prosperity Epicenter Clusters and End-Cap units
*Note that purchases made with College Products are between the student and the vendor, the University of Utah is unable to alter or terminate this reservation on the student’s behalf.
Limited Bicycle Storage is available under a Lottery Process
Students indicate their interest in participating in the bike storage lottery process during their room reservation process. Housing & Residential Education continues to expand indoor and outdoor covered bicycle storage spaces each year. This optional service is available to residents of all communities in a limited capacity.
IMPORTANT: Residents of Officers Circle and Chapel Glen 804 can purchase storage in 802 Chapel Glen, which is located adjacent to these buildings.
To make this process as fair as possible, a randomized lottery process is used to select students who have requested this optional service. HRE will notify all lottery entrants of their status on July 1 via email. Students who are chosen in the lottery process will confirm their choice in the Housing U Portal and see a $112 fee for the academic year added to their student account. This charge is not refundable or pro-rated after a student accepts the bike storage offer or if a student terminates their housing agreement.
Please be aware of:
- On July 1 HRE notifies students of lottery results.
- Students can change bookings/swap room reservations until July 1 with no impact/change needed to lottery.
- Bike storage is for the residents of that building only and is not transferrable to another person or to another building if the student changes reservations after July 1.
- Students who get a storage space have from July 1 to July 17 to "accept" bike storage in the portal and agree to the fee; they are charged with the August 1 bill.
- Students who do not act from July 1 – July 17 on their bike storage OR waitlist offer will be removed from the bike storage optional service lottery. If this creates additional storage spaces for use, individuals who are on the waitlist will be notified if an opening is available to them.
- Students who receive a waitlist offer will have 48 hours to respond to that offer via Housing U, in CIS. Offers will be sent to the student via their UMail email address.
I was not selected for the lottery. Where can I store my bike?
Students can store bicycles in their rooms if there is enough space and if they have agreed to this with their roommate(s).
HRE recommends that students register their bicycles with the University of Utah Police Department (UUPD). This will make it easier to recover your property if it is stolen.
The University of Utah has outdoor uncovered bike racks outside several buildings.
Most beds within HRE properties are "self-lofting" meaning that you are able to loft them without additional parts or assistance from our HRE facilities team. If your bed is not self-lofting, you will be able to submit a work order after arriving to request for a loft kit to be delivered to your room and installed. These will be granted based on availability.
Outside Dimensions are 19" wide by 15" deep by 8" high
Inside Dimensions are 18 1/2" wide by 13" deep by 7 3/4" high
Weight: 30 lbs
Available at: All HRE Housing Areas
View the safe here: https://www.collegeproducts.com/store/slc/
Streaming TV service is not be included as a service in resident rooms, however, on-campus students and residents of Downtown Commons can sign up for the Xfinity On Campus (XOC) TV-Go service to stream Xfinity shows, live TV, and record live TV.
To learn more about the Xfinity on Campus system, please click here. If the renter wishes to terminate the agreement during a normal school year contract (two full semesters), the rental will be refunded per unused semester. No refund will be given after the second week of the semester.
NOTE: This service is only available for the full academic year, beginning in the fall semester.