First things first, it is totally normal to feel homesick. No matter how far away home is, it’s where the heart is so the transition to college life can be difficult. Some people may have an easier transition than others, but it’s okay to miss home. My transition into college was a struggle, to say the least. Here are my top 5 tips to overcome homesickness.
Keep yourself busy.
As an out of state student, I quickly learned that keeping a busy schedule helped me as I transitioned! Take advantage of what Salt Lake has to offer! I suggest checking out a show at Kilby Court, a local concert venue, or taking a hike on The Living Room Loop located right off campus.
Focus on the positive.
You are attending the University of Utah! Congratulations! Focusing on the positive when you are feeling down truly ignites excitement within. Think about how you are starting some of the best, most transformative years of your life. There are over 30,000 students here at the U, so you are destined to meet your people. How exciting is that? Stay positive; it will get better.
Treat yourself.
Take a day off! Classes are exhausting, so make sure to utilize the weekend to recharge. It is okay to take a breather and spend some time with yourself. Personally, I love going to City Creek Center a shopping mall located downtown with easy access from the Trax station, when I have a day off.
Stay connected to home, but practice independence.
Maintaining relationships with your friends and family from back home is extremely important to help you miss them less. Continue to stay in touch and be connected, however, keeping in touch too often may result in missing them even more! I make sure to call my friends and family about four times a week, but I also make sure I’m valuing my relationships at the U. I like to maintain that separation of school and home along with maintaining my independence.
Ask for help.
Here at the University of Utah, we have plenty of student services. One I recommend utilizing is the Counseling Center located in the Student Services Building. Sometimes, overcoming homesickness on your own can be more difficult than expected. Recognizing when you need help can make the transition into college a lot smoother. The Counseling Center is equipped with counselors that want to help and provide guidance. It is okay to reach out for help, not every battle needs to be fought alone.
University Counseling Center.
Website- https://counselingcenter.utah.edu/
Phone- (801) 581-6826