If you are in college, chances are high that money might be a bit of a worry for you. Do not fret for the Financial Wellness Center is here to get rid of all worries. While it may sound like the Scholarships & Financial Aid office, it’s not! do not mix them up! Financial Wellness Center states they are here to help students, “assisting them in making smart, informed decisions about their money. Whether students are struggling to make ends meet or their finances are in pretty good shape, there is always room to improve one’s financial situation”.
How They Can Support
The Financial Wellness Center allows for more one-on-one time between a student and faculty when trying to figure out money problems. It also allows students to engage more within their own money by providing courses and flyers to help students set personal goals. Personally, I have used the Financial Wellness Center to set budget goals, do my FASFA and also look more closely at my student loans. The best part about this is you can do it for free, so do not hesitate to set an appointment today. Going to a judgment free zone to receive help helped me become more financially literate and improve the stigma around money.
Jade the Interns Experience
Speaking with one of the students that work at the Financial Wellness center, Jade, I was able to gain more of an understanding for the office. Jade is sophomore studying economics and an intern for the Financial Wellness Center. You can schedule an appointment with her to talk about retirement, payment plans for school, financial crises, budget management, paying taxes, and more!
The Purpose
Jade enjoys educating people, learning more about finance and learning more from others’ experiences. Working on her finances and learning more helps her feel more confident. One way the Financial Wellness Center helps people to do this by offering workshops that are open to all students. Don’t be afraid to hop into one as Jade suggests they are for basic learning.
PRO TIP: The Financial Wellness Center does a lot of book giveaways. If you want to learn more about money and budgeting there are many books that you can also borrow!
There are many resources on campus but the Financial Wellness Center is definitely one that is underrated. Stop in or make an appointment!